Monday, March 09, 2009

Going back to my roots - Book shows how to build a family tree

Going back to my roots - Book shows how to build a family tree

The book Researching Your Jamaican Family was released in January by Kingston's Arawak Publications.

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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Jacqueline Pinder

I called my cousin Phyllis this morning to wish her an early Happy Birthday. And she was sad. Her grand-daughter Jacqueline Pinder had passed away in London, England, from liver and pancreas cancer. She was 44 years old.

I was so sad, as well. For Phyllis, your daughter Sonia, and Jacqueline.

Phyllis will be leaving for London on Wednesday, March 11th.

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I have to say some good stuff about . This site has been very helpful! You can access the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) there and form individual pages and family pages from the information included at the site.

You can use the SSDI page for an ancestor and this becomes the basis for your ancestor's page.

I have stated pages for my father, my wife's father and mother, all four of my grandparents, a grand uncle, etc.



Another great site for genealogy research has been . I have used FB to find living relatives using the search engine, then connecting them using the relative or "I'm Related" application. Then, I found a Rutty Family group there. This gave me the idea to start a Welsh family group.

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