Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hurricane Charlie

Aug. 17, 1951 - Hurricane Charlie, Kingston/Port Royal/Morant Bay damaged. (Source: Important Dates in the History of Jamaica, NATURAL DISASTERS AND EVENTS IN JAMAICA, ). During the hurricane, Kenneth "Noble" Welsh, who was driving a jeep, overturned. While he was trapped in the overturned vehicle, he vowed to God that he would not smoke or drink (alcohol) again.

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Maternal Great-Grandparents

Maternal Great-Grandparents

Matthew Melville [Grandfather's Father] was born in Merrywood, Ipswich, St. Elizabeth, date unk. Place and date of death unk.

Martha (White) Melville [Grandfather's Mother], birthplace: St. Elizabeth, date unk., died of cancer of the stomach, date unk.

William Rutty [Grandmother's Father], birthplace and date unk., died of high fever, date unk.

Margret (Beckford) Rutty [Grandmother's Mother], birthplace and date unk., died of pneumonia, date unk. She was William's second wife. She was a dark-skinned lady. His first wife was a light-skinned lady with the surname of Smith (?).

Margret Rutty's father worked on a boat. He died of asthma.

William's parents were Ann Greentree [Great, Great Grandmother] and James Rutty.

Simon Tracey [Great, Great Grandfather] from Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth, was blind over a period of time.

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